Colorado -> Oregon

Kathy and I make our way from Colorado to Oregon to attend my sister's baby shower for her upcoming child named Apollo. I brought only my 70- 200mm lens for the drive over, and rented a 24- 70mm lens in Oregon for the baby shower. Here is a photographic journey across the Great Beyond... Enjoy!

Malad Gorge State Park, Idaho

We set off from our home in Colorado chasing the setting sun and embark into the darkness of the night.

Echo Canyon

Summit County, Utah

Coming into Utah, we make a stop at Echo Canyon. The view is incredible, just like everything else this great State has to offer...


Other than Boise, there was nothing super exciting for the drive through this state.

Long stretches of road here. Windmills as far as the eye can see.

The first time the terrain changes from the desert, to the lush forests of the Pacific Northwest

Three Sisters Mountain Range

Mt. Washington

From here out, we reach our destination.

The baby shower for my sister is soon after we arrive.

Stay tuned for a post about the Baby Shower!


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After the event, we make the 20 hour drive back home...

Home at last!

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